An engaging talk on learning to live and walk with God

In case you missed the Rev. Connie’s astonishing sermon from last Sunday (the whole service is here: 'Three in One ... a personal walk with Thee': Sunday service for May 26, Trinity Sunday; her sermon begins about 26 minutes in), I encourage you to!

Reverend Connie wondrously uses her own story of growing up an only child of a working mother to engagingly teach how she came, at a very young age, to rely entirely on her Heavenly Father and the Trinity He embodies.

As she explains, the Holy Trinity has never been ‘just doctrine’ to her, but her lived, personal experience.

She explains how she “felt like the luckiest little girl in the world with such an awesome Father who no one could ever take away” from her; “the only father she has ever had or needed.”

Imagine if all could learn this at such a young age … especially the fatherless (in fact or feeling).