'The Present' — Service for Sunday, Feb. 23
/Please join with the Reverend Margaret Milne and the Anglican parish of Haliburton in-person or on-line at 10:30 a.m. Sunday morning, or on-line anytime afterwards!
The Reverend Dr. Connie Phillipson
Holy Eucharist: 10:30 a.m. each Sunday @ St. George’s
All welcome to stay for refreshments and fellowship afterwards!
You can watch each Sunday service as it happens via the livestream below, or later at your convenience. You can also find services on the church YouTube channel (HALIBURTON ANGLICAN).
NEW! Growing in Faith Bible Study -- Tuesdays 1-2 p.m.; join us as we study the scriptures for the following Sunday.
Please join with the Reverend Margaret Milne and the Anglican parish of Haliburton in-person or on-line at 10:30 a.m. Sunday morning, or on-line anytime afterwards!
Please join with the Rev. Dr. Connie Phillipson and the Anglican parish of Haliburton in-person or on-line at 10:30 a.m. Sunday morning, or on-line anytime afterwards!
Please join with the Rev. Dr. Connie Phillipson and the Anglican parish of Haliburton in-person or on-line at 10:30 a.m. Sunday morning, or on-line anytime afterwards!
Please join with the Reverend Canon Dr. David Barker and the Anglican parish of Haliburton in-person or on-line at 10:30 a.m. Sunday morning, or on-line anytime afterwards!
Please join with the Rev. Dr. Connie Phillipson and the Anglican parish of Haliburton in-person or on-line at 10:30 a.m. Sunday morning, or on-line anytime afterwards!
[While we first published this in 2016 it is more than well-worth a re-visit! — Ed.]
As our guest writer Jeeva Sam points out below, Mary’s husband Joseph, Jesus’ earthly father, gets short shrift in our yearly Christmas songs and stories. Even scripture doesn’t provide much about him. Yet he did play a crucial role, and as Jeeva elaborates so well, we can learn from his restrained manner. Enjoy and be edified.
By Jeeva Edward Sam
Quick, now, name one well-known carol that mentions Joseph. Better still, take your time, search on Google, Yahoo, MSN, Bing and Ask—the result is the same! Not one, nada, nil.
Contrast this with repeated references to Mary, as in: “Mary’s boy child”, “Gentle Mary laid her child”, “On Mary’s lap is sleeping”, “Round yon virgin, MOTHER and child”, “For Christ is born of Mary”, “Mary was that mother mild”, and so forth. Even cattle, sheep and assorted members of the animal kingdom get more press at Christmas!
Point me to one word of dialogue Joseph is permitted to utter in the script of the Nativity as found in Holy Scripture, or in most traditional Christmas pageants for that matter. Need I say more?
Joseph, being a just man and unwilling to put her to shame, resolved to divorce her quietly. (Matt. 1:19)
Yet, it would seem that this unheralded man is undeniably part of God’s plan for the early part of Jesus’ earthly life. I find it instructive to examine the brief exposure to his character in Matthew 1:19 (Amplified Version): “… Joseph, being a just and upright man and not willing to expose her publicly and to shame and disgrace her, decided to repudiate and dismiss (divorce) her quietly and secretly.”
When Mary is found to be with child without an assist from her betrothed, a “just and upright man” could have ensured that justice was done by having her put to death or at least by issuing a certificate of divorce. Either action would have been kosher, but Joseph adds mercy to justice as he opts for a divorce with dignity.
Years later, when Jesus was asked by some what he would do with a woman who was caught in adultery (as if it is possible to catch only one partner in the act of adultery, hello?) he would stonewall their bid to stone her to death with the words: “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” (John 8:7) Like father, like son, perhaps?
I cannot help but contrast Joseph’s choice with the way I am tempted to respond when someone hurts me. Ever hear the expression: ‘Hurt people hurt people?’ Out of my hurt, I want to make sure that justice is done and you’re hurt too—at least as much as you hurt me.
I could use any platform available to me—Facebook, newspaper columns, TV, blog, pulpit—to at least shame, if not disgrace or downright destroy you. Or it could be a family gathering over the holidays where amid the toasts, treats, eats and greets, some dormant hostility, buried bruise or interred insult rears its ugly head again, or a fresh missile calls for a decidedly unchristian strike-back.
I could opt to leave lash-marks on the offender, or leave quietly with bite-marks on my tongue instead.
May I, like Joseph, be glad to let my non-speaking role speak volumes.
Pastor Jeeva Sam and his wife of 41 years, Sulojana Sam, are marriage mentors and authors of The Unbreakable Marriage, where they share details of the process God showed them to "guarantee breakthrough for married couples facing breakdown, often in as little as twelve weeks." (https://thesams.ca/). Jeeva served as a pastor for over thirty-five years (ordained by the United Church of Canada in 1982). The Sams are parents of three married children, grandparents of an adorable baby boy and live in St. Catharines, Ontario. Jeeva welcomes your feedback at theunbreakablemarriage@gmail.com.
In case you missed the Rev. Connie’s astonishing sermon from last Sunday (the whole service is here: 'Three in One ... a personal walk with Thee': Sunday service for May 26, Trinity Sunday; her sermon begins about 26 minutes in), I encourage you to!
Reverend Connie wondrously uses her own story of growing up an only child of a working mother to engagingly teach how she came, at a very young age, to rely entirely on her Heavenly Father and the Trinity He embodies.
As she explains, the Holy Trinity has never been ‘just doctrine’ to her, but her lived, personal experience.
She explains how she “felt like the luckiest little girl in the world with such an awesome Father who no one could ever take away” from her; “the only father she has ever had or needed.”
Imagine if all could learn this at such a young age … especially the fatherless (in fact or feeling).
St. George's, Haliburton
Mailing address: P.O. Box 92, Haliburton, ON K0M 1S0
Physical addr.: 617 Mountain St.
Phone: 705-457-2074
Tues.-Thu.: 9 a.m. to 12 noon
The Reverend Dr. Connie Phillipson
705-457-2074 (office)
519-278-6033 (Reverend Connie’s cell)
A Christian revival is under way in Britain — Justin Brierley, The Spectator
I studied Christianity with the hope of debunking it
— Julie Hannah, Christianity Today
May the God of hope fill us with all joy and peace in believing through the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
—The Book of Common Prayer
“Whatever ember of love for goodness flickers within us, however feeble or small… that’s what the Spirit works with, until that spark glows warmer and brighter. From the tiniest beginning, our whole lives—our whole hearts, minds, souls, and strength—can be set aflame with love for God.”
― B. McLaren, We make the road by walking
The Bible is the rope God throws us in order to ensure that we stay connected while the rescue is in progress.
— J.I. Packer, Christianity Today
“There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of each [person] which cannot be satisfied by any created thing but only by God the Creator, made known through Jesus Christ.”
—Blaise Pascal, French mathematician, physicist, inventor, writer and theologian
A Cyprus café ministry has both irritated local authorities. and is inspiring imitators in the Muslim world.
“Historically, the Church tends to take the greatest promises of Scripture and put them off into a period of time for which we have no responsibility. Jesus commanded His followers to do things that they might have impact now. His assignment to His followers was always to bring transformation to their immediate surroundings."
— B. Johnson, The Way of Life: Experiencing the Culture of Heaven on Earth